fees & enrolment information

(average ten-week term)

Mitchell Conservatorium reserves the right to update these prices and conditions from time to time. All tuition prices are GST free.

Enrolment Fee (see condition no.3) $50.00

Levy (see condition no.4) $20.00

Administration Fee (see condition no.5) $20.00



30 minute $494.00

45 minute $697.00

60 minute $853.00



School Groups (small 30 min groups) $285.00

20 minute individual special rate $360.00



VOX (15 years and over) 60 mins $150.00



There are a number of ensembles available to students in a range of instruments. Please check with your teacher or contact the office for more information.

Please notify the office if you are experiencing difficulties paying your account to avoid late fees.


Term 1 – Monday 29 January to Saturday 13 April (11 weeks)

Term 2 – Monday 29 April to Saturday 6 July (10 weeks)

Term 3 – Monday 22 July to Saturday 28 September (10 weeks)

Term 4 – Monday 14 October to Saturday 14 December (9 weeks)

2024 Fee Payment Dates

Term 1 – Friday 2 February

Term 2 – Friday 3 May

Term 3 – Friday 26 July

Term 4 – Friday 18 October

Payment methods

BPAY, EFTPOS, Cash or Credit Card (incl. over the phone)

Cheque (made payable to Mitchell Conservatorium)

Please notify the office (6331 6622 or bathurst@mitchellconservatorium.edu.au) if you are experiencing difficulties paying your account or to make special arrangements to pay periodically

Full terms and conditions – please read carefully

1. Fees are payable in advance at the beginning of each term.
2. Enrolment is required for a minimum of one term.
3. An enrolment fee of $50 is payable when first enrolling.
4. A levy (one per family) of $20 (GST incl.) is collected at commencement of enrolment and each Term thereafter. It replaces most fundraising activities for the Conservatorium.
5. An administration Fee of $20 (Max 3 students per family) is charged on the first invoice annually.
6. A non-refundable Account Reminder Fee of $15.00 will be applied to all accounts not paid in full by the due date. This will be followed by a $30 late fee if payment is not made.
7. Teachers’ lesson times are booked by the office. If a student is unable to attend a lesson, as a courtesy, please notify the teacher or the Conservatorium. However, be aware that when a student/parent/guardian or school cancels a lesson, there is NO REFUND (except in special circumstances, such as illness/accident (supported by medical certificate), in which case the teacher may consider making up the lesson).
8. If a teacher cancels a lesson and cannot makeup the lesson, then the teacher will advise the office to process a refund. On this advice the refund will show as a credit on the following Term’s invoice. This does not apply to Ensembles.
9. School group tuition can include a combination of weekly group tuition with band workshops, band performances, assemblies and Eisteddfods. Any scheduled school group tuition missed by the student will not be refunded.
10. All ensembles are a flat rate per term, regardless of how many lessons are held. There are no refunds.
11. The Conservatorium reserves the right to discontinue/reassign any groups with insufficient enrolments at any time.
12. Cancellation of Lessons by parent/student THREE WEEKS’ NOTICE IN WRITING must be given to the office to cancel lessons. Upon receiving advice that lessons are to cease the office must notify the teacher as soon as practicable. If a student withdraws during a term with the appropriate notice, a refund will be made for lessons not received that would fall outside of the three weeks. If insufficient notice or no notice is received in writing, then fees will not be refunded.
13. Notice of cancellation (not returning) for the next term/year. Each student enrolment continues from Term to Term and Year to Year. Therefore, three weeks’ written confirmation to cancel lessons is required otherwise it is assumed lessons are continuing and fees will not be refunded.
14. A student will not be permitted to continue in lessons when fees are overdue. This also applies if fees are unpaid in relation to any other family member.
15. The Conservatorium reserves the right to request each Terms payment in full, in advance if there has been a previous bad debt history. Lessons cannot commence until this payment has been received.
16. If lessons are booked, agreement to these Terms and Conditions is implied even if the Enrolment Confirmation & Media Consent Form is not completed, signed and returned. Use of Mitchell Conservatorium’s services implies agreement.
17. In the event of the Customer being in default of their obligation to pay and the overdue account is then referred to a debt collection agency and/ or law firm for collection, the Customer shall be liable for the recovery costs incurred; and if the agency charges commission on a contingency basis the Customer shall be liable to pay, as a liquidated debt, the commission payable by the Supplier to the agency, fixed at the rate charged by the agency from time to time as if the agency has achieved one hundred per cent recovery. In the event where the Supplier or the Supplier’s agency refers the overdue account to a lawyer the Customer shall also pay as a liquidated debt the charges reasonably made or claimed by the lawyer on an indemnity basis.
18. Any concerns or grievances by parents/students should be addressed in writing to the Executive Director.

Inquiries: 6331 6622 or bathurst@mitchellconservatorium.edu.au


Mitchell Conservatorium Inc's Child Protection Policy

All Mitchell Conservatorium teachers have been screened by the relevant Child Protection Screening authority and undergo regular Child Protection Training. Staff and parents must ensure that children do not leave a Conservatorium building until a parent or authorised guardian comes to collect them.

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